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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a school bond?


A school bond election is a bond issue used by a public school district to fund capital improvement projects, instructional materials, and transportation needs. These measures are offically placed on the ballot by school boards to be considered by the voting public.

Kids for Peace

When is the bond election?


Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Early in-person voting February 9th-11th at the Cleveland County Election Board. Absentee ballots must be requested by January 30th and received by the Cleveland County Election Board by February 14th.

Will this raise my taxes?


NO! This bond proposal does not ask for a raise in the millage rate. The district has planned this bond issue to keep the millage level stable.​

What percentage of voters must support a bond issue?


School bonds require a supermajority of 60 percent of votes. 

How was the bond proposal developed?


Projects identified in the school bond proposal were identified as a result of demographic studies, facility assessments from site administrators and maintenance staff, review of data collected during previous bond processes, identification of needs across the district, evaluation of cost savings opportunities. Projects are prioritized with input from parents, teachers, staff and community stakeholders. Through the Thought Exchange 3,597 participants offered their input. Over 20 stakeholder and advisory groups across the district offered their input as well.

Building a Robot

Which schools will benefit from the bond?


Every school site would benefit from improvement projects in the 2023 bond. Click here to see projects listed for each school.

Quality Time

Who is behind the Vote Yes for Kids initiative?

Vote Yes for Kids is a grassroots advocacy group created in 2003 by parent volunteers and community supporters following the only school bond election that was not approved by voters in the history of Norman Public Schools. Parents were not aware at that time that NPS, by law, can only provide information to voters about bond proposals. They cannot advocate on their own behalf or ask voters to vote yes but we can. This is how Vote Yes for Kids began. We operate independently from Norman Public Schools  and we have evolved and changed over time. Lead by parent volunteers, Vote Yes for Kids has successfully come together every bond election since to educate and inform on the importance of voting yes for school bond proposals. Every school bond election is an opportunity for our community to come together to support our kids. In a demonstration of unity, the Mayor and all eight Councilmembers as well as all four City Council candidates recognize the importance of supporting and passing the school bond proposal. That is a powerful affirmation that we can come together as a community to support our kids, support our teachers and support our public schools.


Can we use bond money to pay teacher salaries?


State law prohibits school districts from using bond funds to pay salaries or to hire teachers to lower class sizes. By law, the use of bond proceeds is restricted to the uses approved by voters on the bond proposition. Bond funds CAN be used to purchase classroom materials and modernize our facilities to attract great teachers.

Female Student

Why invest in the Oklahoma Aviation Academy?


The Oklahoma Aviation Academy opened in August of 2022 with 78 students. The students were chosen through a lottery because 160 students applied for the inaugural year which is 5 times more than expected. These classes are held in space loaned from OU at Max Westheimer Airport. With a matching grant from the state, this bond will build a stand alone facility that will accommodate up to 700 students.

Students can graduate with a private pilot license and two years of completed coursework toward their bachelor's degree in aviation. In a collaborative effort with Moore Norman Technology Center, students can work toward an industry certification as an aviation maintenance technician while in high school. Career pathways include flight, air traffic control, engineering, computer science, meteorology and mathematics. This is a huge opportunity for our kids as aviation is the second largest industry in Oklahoma.

Why invest in the stadium expansion at Norman North?


Soon, Norman North will be one of the few 6A high schools without an on-campus football and track facility. Since the first year of North, athletes, spirit groups, bands, have traveled to Harve Collins Stadium, on the NHS campus. Shared use has led to complications of schedules for the two high schools, and for feeder schools who also use the stadiums. The wear and tear on Harve Collins Stadium will be reduced by adding a new stadium. The proposed property for the stadium is already owned by the district. Elementary and middle schools feeding into the two schools can begin to take ownership of the facilities as 'their' stadium and track, increasing school spirit for both high schools. This new stadium is a shared goal for many at both North and NHS. This project has been requested by Norman North since it opened in 1997.

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